‘Strong motivation in life helps you accomplish many tasks. There are three aspects to motivation – knowing what, how and why. Identifying the why is the most important factor, as that will give you a sense of purpose to pursue a goal. Qualities such as persistence, being a self-starter, commitment to achieving results and being willing to go the extra mile on projects or to help other team members are some of the qualities of a motivated person,’ said Vice Chancellor, Dr Savita Sengar while addressing eminent government public relations (PR) officers at Suchna Bhavan, Ranchi. She was speaking at the ‘Motivational Workshop’ organised by Information Public Relations Department, Govt of Jharkhand.

The impressive gathering saw the presence of Principal Secretary to CM Shri Sunil Kumar Barnwal. Deputy Director IPRD Shri Ajay Nath Jha was also present at the workshop. The workshop was attended by communication and PR officers, district PR officers and social media and publicity officers. Together they discussed the need to remain motivated in professional life and how best to empower & communicate government initiatives to end users for their upliftment.

Dr. Savita Sengar, Vice Chancellor, Jharkhand Rai University addressing PR officers

Dr Sengar said that the growing emphasis on participatory communication is the need. Communicating about government initiatives and other schemes cannot be linear. The role of PR officers is not limited to just communicating or informing the stake holders about a scheme; it is about getting them to avail it. Facilitation is the bigger objective. While empowering citizens will draw results. In this, stakeholder dialogue and consultation and bottom-up community media will redefine development and give meaning to and help people reclaim their citizenship.

During her talk, Dr Sengar focussed on the importance of motivation in life and in the professional field. Motivation is that aspect of personality which makes you disciplined to achieve your goal. Ultimately, a job well done always gives a sense of worth. Thereby, it becomes a source of inspiration for others too.

Motivation, according to Dr Sengar is something internal, which can be tapped into anytime. For this to happen, you will need to identify a goal in life. The moment you identify a goal and you strongly aspire to achieve it; you will tap into that hidden source of motivation within you. Further, it will give you the courage to complete any task.

On the need to empower citizens, Dr Sengar said, ‘Today any kind of communication for development and initiative requires a shift from a focus on communication as a dissemination or campaigning tool to a focus on communication as an empowering tool. The latter as a tool emancipates. Such a communication tool is used to facilitate continual exchanges between different stakeholders to redefine development concerns and address common problems or goals. This facilitates individual and community ownership of the entire process. Communication approaches have increasingly sought to combine diffusion and participatory methods.’