Full Time/Part Time Ph.D
Discipline Offered: Management, Commerce, Agriculture, Botany, Computer Science, Pharmacy, Law, Chemistry, Physics & Electronics.
Last Date to Apply: 30th Nov, 2024 (Saturday)
Entrance Test: 15th Dec, 2024 (Sunday)
Contact: 1800-120-2546 (Toll Free)
Ph.D Syllabus
There will be Two Papers: Paper – I and II. Both Objective Type.
Objective Paper: 50 Marks Time allotted for this will be 60 mins (10:00 am-11:00am)
This paper will consist of 50 objective type questions of 1 mark each related to General Aptitude, Language, Information and Communication.
Research: Meaning – Purpose- Types of research-significance of research in social and business sciences.
Steps in Research: Identification, selection and formulation of research problem Research Questions-Research design- Formulation of hypothesis- Review of literature.
Sampling Technique: Sampling Theory-Types of sampling-Steps in sampling, sampling and non-sampling error-Sample size –Advantages and limitations of sampling.
Data for Research: Primary Data-Meaning-Collection Methods-Observation –
Interview-Questionnaire-Schedule-Pretest-Pilot study –Experimental and case studies-
Secondary data- Meaning – Relevance, limitations and cautions.
Processing Data: Checking- Editing-Coding- transcriptions and Tabulation- Data
analysis- Meaning and methods- Quantitative and Qualitative analysis.
Structuring the Report: Chapter format- Pagination- Identification- Using
quotations- Presenting footnotes – abbreviations- Presentation of tables and figures-
Referencing- Documentation-Use and format of appendices- Indexing.
Research Report: Types of reports-Contents-Styles of reporting- Steps in drafting reports-Editing the final draft-Evaluating the final draft.
Objective Paper: 50 Marks Time allotted for this paper will be 60 Minutes (11.00A.M. to 12.00 P.M.). This paper will consist of 50 objective basic questions from the specialization at master`s level of the candidate and specialization opted for Ph.D. Each question will carry 1 mark.
If you want to pursue Ph.D in Jharkhand, then JRU Ranchi offers the best option for you in several streams like Management, Commerce, Agriculture, Botany, Computer Science, Pharmacy, Law, Chemistry, Physics & Electronics.
The Ph.D Application Form is available here.
To know the Jharkhand Rai University Ph.D fees, you can call – 1800-120-2546 Or you can also click the red tab below.