Success knows no age. You may be 22, 32 or 42, if you have the right focus, you will know how to pursue your dream successfully.

Meet 22 year old Shyam Sundar, Founder – Managing Director, SP Web Care. A successful entrepreneur, Shyam is pursuing MCA from Jharkhand Rai University (JRU), Ranchi.


The start-up company SP Web Care has other members too. Out of these, 5 members (Devenand Pradhan, Prithvi Raj Pradhan, Shivshankar Pradhan, Rohit Oraon, Reshmi Kaibarta) are from the city of Saraikela, Kharsawan district of Jharkhand. The remaining two, Ajay Mehta is from Hazaribagh and Rohit is a resident of Lohaargadda.


But, one thing is common to all – they are all students of JRU. Some of them are still students of JRU, and others are alumni. Together, they are pursuing their entrepreneurship journey and creating jobs for others too.


Shyam says, ‘I had the dream of pursuing the best MCA Course at Ranchi. Moreover, I wanted to follow a different path in life. Rather than going the conventional way of completing MCA and then seeking jobs, I wanted to be a part of Young India and create jobs.’


‘During the JRU admission camp in my district, I decided to become an MCA student of JRU. Consequently, because of that decision to become a part of JRU, I am able to pursue my dream here at Ranchi,’ Shyam narrates.

‘I developed my interest in computer science while on internship at Shine Technology. And I decided to make it my career,’ says Shyam, who is also ITI trained.

Ajay, who is also a leading member of this company, takes care of the business development.

Ajay says, ‘We founded this company in October 2018. All the founder members were clear about one thing – that we will not chase jobs. We will create jobs.’ While pursuing his MCA at JRU, Ajay stayed at the JRU hostel with others.

The start-up company SP Web is registered with Ministry of Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME). Not only that, the company has also got ISO certification.

Recounting the experience of working on their first project, Shyam says, ‘Our first project was for Baloonwala.com. It is an online gifting website.’

‘From there on, we have not looked back. Because of our sincerity and dedication, we have been getting a lot of work. Currently we are working on two big projects among others – one being the cctv installation at Yamaha Showroom in Ranchi and the other is cctv installation at a school.’

‘We have also provided internship opportunities to students of JRU and another college. And the way our work is progressing, we will soon hire people in marketing and hardware works.’

Shyam says, ‘We are all trying diligently that by 2020 we will grow to become a private limited company and increase the number of our employees to at least 50.’

It is no wonder that all the founding members are busy round the clock. They wouldn’t have it any other way. Simply speaking – they love what they do!


जेआरयू हॉस्टलर्स ने खोली आईटी सोल्युशन कंपनी

एसपी वेब केयर ( ऑल काईंडस ऑफ़ आईटी सोल्यूशन्स ) राँची के व्यस्तम मार्ग पिस्का रोड पर एक छोटे से व्यावसायिक काम्प्लेक्स में लगी ये बोर्ड बरबस आपका ध्यान अपनी ओर खींच लेता है। ये एक छोटी सी आईटी सलूशन प्रोप राइटरशिप कंपनी है. इसके एमडी है श्याम सुंदर प्रधान। इस कंपनी के 7 फाउंडर मेंबर है जिनमे से 5 मेंबर सरायकेला- खरसावां जिले के रहने वाले है. इस कंपनी के अन्य सदस्यों में देवेंद्र प्रधान, पृथ्वी राज प्रधान, शिवशंकर प्रधान, रोहित उराव और रेशमी कैबत्रा शामिल है। अजय हज़ारीबाग के रहने वाले है जबकि रोहित लोहरदग्गा के रहने वाले है।


सभी झारखण्ड राय विश्वविद्यालय के स्टूडेंट है या कुछ वर्ष पहले ही पास आउट हुए है. ये इनका अपना स्टार्टअप है जिसके जरिये ये खुद और अब दुसरो को जॉब्स देने के लिए काम कर रहे है।

श्याम सुंदर अभी 22 साल के है और झारखण्ड राय विश्वविद्यालय के एमसीए फाइनल ईयर के स्टूडेंट्स है। इनकी प्राइमरी एजुकेशन सरायकेला के धकीडीह से हुई और इंटरमीडिएड किया जवाहरलाल नेहरू कॉलेज चक्रधरपुर से।


राय विश्वविद्यालय से जुड़ने के बारे में शयाम का कहना है” राजधानी में पढ़ने और जीवन में कुछ करने की धुन ने मुझे राय मुझे राय में पढ़ने का मौका दिया , मेरे जिले में चल रहे एडमिशन कैम्प में मेरा एडमिशन हुआ और फिर मैं यहाँ से जुड़ गया. मैंने बीसीए में एडमिशन लिया और अपनी पढ़ाई सुरु की। कंप्यूटर के प्रति मेरा रुझान शाइन टेक्नोलॉजी में इंटर्नशिप करने के दौरान हुआ मैं वहाँ आईटीआई करने के दौरान बतौर इंटर्न गया था ”

एसपी वेब केयर वेबसाइट डेवलपमेंट , सॉफ्टवेयर एप्लीकेशन डेवलपमेंट, सीसीटीवी कैमेरा इंस्टालेशन, कंप्यूटर लैब सुविधा उपलब्ध कराने और कंप्यूटर टीचर देने जैसे काम किया करती है.

ALSO READ – अंशिका का चयन मिस इंडिया ग्लोब इंटरनेशनल प्रतियोगिता के लिए किया गया

इस टीम के सदस्य अजय मेहता जो बिज़नेस डेवलपमेंट मैनेजर के तौर पर काम कर रहे है और इसके फाउंडर मेंबर भी है कहते है ” ऑक्टूबर 2018 को हमने एसपी वेब केयर की नींव रखी. जॉब करने की बजाय कंपनी बनाने के फैसले में हम सभी हॉस्टलर सहमत थे। हमने अपनी पढ़ाई राय यूनिवर्सिटी के हॉस्टल में रह कर पूरी की है। ”

शयाम सुंदर कंपनी के बारे में बताते हुए कहते है “इसे हमने मिनिस्ट्री ऑफ़ माइक्रो स्माल एंड मीडियम इंटर प्राइजेज एम्इएम्इ से रेजिस्टर्ड करवाया है और आईएसओ सर्टीफ़िकेट भी प्राप्त किया है. हमारा पहला प्रोजेक्ट जिसका नाम बैलून वाला डॉट कॉम था यह एक ऑनलाइन गिफ्ट वेबसाइट था.”

“जिसके बाद हमारे काम को देखते हुए हमें और प्रोजेक्ट मिलने लगे। अभी हमारे पास दो नए प्रोजेक्ट है जिसमे से एक यामहा शोरूम में सीसीटीवी इंस्टालेशन और एक स्कूल में कंप्यूटर इंस्टालेशन का काम है।“

“हमने राय विश्वविद्यालय और रांची कॉलेज के स्टूडेंट्स का इंटर्नशिप करने का प्रोजेक्ट भी पूरा किया है। अपने बढ़ते हुए काम को देखते हुए जलद ही हम अपने यहाँ मार्केटिंग और अन्य हार्डवेयर काम के लिए रिक्रूटमेंट भी शरू करने वाले है. हम सबका प्रयास है की इसे 2020 तक प्राइवेट लिमिटेड कंपनी बनाकर इसके एम्प्लॉयीज की संख्या 50 प्लस कर दें।”

(Story written by Prof. Prashant Jaiwardhan)

When More Than 21 Companies Visited My Campus For Job Mela

Placement is of utmost priority at JRU. From the day the students walk in till the completion of their course, every day becomes like a training for their future. At JRU we understand each student has a dream. And that dream involves getting a placement with the right corporate after completion of the course.

For JRU, organizing Job Mela is a continuous part of campus life. In March, JRU campus organised a vibrant Job Mela ( Placement Fest). The Placement Fest was held in association with Board of Practical Training of Eastern Region (BOPT), Ministry of Human Resource & Development.


The most exciting part of the Job Mela was that more than twenty one companies participated in this Placement Fest. Reputable companies like Central Coalfields Ltd, Mettalurgical & Engineering Consultants (India) Ltd, GAIL, TATA Motors and others were on campus to participate in this job drive.


These Job Melas not only help students get placements, but they help students understand the expectations of the companies. Moreover, such activities on campus build the gap between the industry expectations and students’ skill development.

The best feature of the Job Mela was that the students got to interact with the representatives of the companies directly either for internship or for final placements.

The senior executives of companies encouraged students and said that such efforts by Jahrkhand Rai University will help in making government programs like Skill India, Young India and Making India a grand success.

There is a huge demand for skilled engineers in several sectors. JRU is one of the leading universities to train and provide skilled professionals to growing sectors. With the right training and the right attitude, students from JRU are performing well in their respective jobs.


It’s true. The real beauty of our campus isn’t just the aesthetics. The beauty lies in the inspiring classrooms, the corridors where students discuss their future growth and the campus as a whole which is perpetually in motion because of vibrant activities.

Students start their journey at JRU with a mission to pursue a bright future. They study here at JRU and go on to become successful professionals across various sectors.

When it comes to teaching, professors at JRU do not only teach. They become mentors for students, hand-holding them and walking them towards their future. Every year they welcome incoming students and help maintain an open and inclusive environment. Besides, they nurtures the growth and development of JRU community. The mentors provide a blueprint for how JRU students can positively impact the world.

Excellence and mutual respect are the two founding principles which every JRU member follows – be it faculty or student. Our campus celebrates diversity. How? Because, we encourage students from all background to experience our inclusive atmosphere.

When it comes to possibilities, the campus is a crossroad of cultures and limitless opportunities.

JRU Ranchi Campus is the perfect melting pot of ideas and experiences. It’s a diverse cultural landscape where students from across India pursue their dream.

As a student of JRU Ranchi, you will have every resource at your disposal to take advantage of future opportunities.

From the first day of campus life, the students are provided comprehensive support by faculties, staff and existing students. The faculties at every step help the students to unify their academic and career goals. This later helps students in internship opportunities.

Welcome to the vibrant campus of Jharkhand Rai University.