Tag Archives: Job Mela JRU

When More Than 21 Companies Visited My Campus For Job Mela

Placement is of utmost priority at JRU. From the day the students walk in till the completion of their course, every day becomes like a training for their future. At JRU we understand each student has a dream. And that dream involves getting a placement with the right corporate after completion of the course.

For JRU, organizing Job Mela is a continuous part of campus life. In March, JRU campus organised a vibrant Job Mela ( Placement Fest). The Placement Fest was held in association with Board of Practical Training of Eastern Region (BOPT), Ministry of Human Resource & Development.


The most exciting part of the Job Mela was that more than twenty one companies participated in this Placement Fest. Reputable companies like Central Coalfields Ltd, Mettalurgical & Engineering Consultants (India) Ltd, GAIL, TATA Motors and others were on campus to participate in this job drive.


These Job Melas not only help students get placements, but they help students understand the expectations of the companies. Moreover, such activities on campus build the gap between the industry expectations and students’ skill development.

The best feature of the Job Mela was that the students got to interact with the representatives of the companies directly either for internship or for final placements.

The senior executives of companies encouraged students and said that such efforts by Jahrkhand Rai University will help in making government programs like Skill India, Young India and Making India a grand success.

There is a huge demand for skilled engineers in several sectors. JRU is one of the leading universities to train and provide skilled professionals to growing sectors. With the right training and the right attitude, students from JRU are performing well in their respective jobs.