MOOCs SWAYAM Courses adopted across all the Programs

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) through SWAYAM

Title of the Practice
Introduction of MOOCs Courses under SWAYAM platform for credit transfer across all Programs.

Objective of the Practice
To inculcate the basic philosophy of MOOCs is 3A’s i.e., Anytime, Anyone, Anywhere. The students can participate and earn credit through widely open access online courses via the web having unlimited participation (across various educational institutes of India). The students can earn upto 20% credits in any program through MOOCs courses. This practice also helps in successfully bridging the digital divide and helps the nation move towards information-rich society through good quality faculty. The focus is to bridge the gap between academia and industry by implementing skill based courses through MOOCs.

The Context
The purpose behind adopting SWAYAM (MOOCs) is to discover students learning path by switching to smart education with wider range of accessibility and resources beyond classroom. The initiative promotes easy, attainable and relevant learning with SWAYAM. At Jharkhand Rai University, the University MOOCs Coordinator along with Departmental MOOCs Coordinator/ Course Coordinator interacts with the students and works as a teacher-student groups for smooth conduct of interactive time bound learning.

The Practice
Program Regulations offers flexibility to the students to earn upto 20% credits by providing an option to choose the course from any of the National Coordinators of SWAWAM (MOOCs). These adopted courses can be from University Grants Commission (UGC), NPTEL, Consortium for Educational Communication (CEC), NCERT, IGNOU and many more. Decision of selection of courses from MOOCs is done before the commencement of every semester keeping in mind the demand of current scenario and interest level of the students. SWAYAM revise and notify its courses on June 1 and November 1 of every year.

Jharkhand Rai University also encourages the students to opt for Non-Credit courses from MOOCs as an add on certification to have the extra mileage from others.

The complete procedure includes the below mentioned steps for selection of course till its credit transfer.

  1. Amendments
    Jharkhand Rai University through their Competent Authority made an amendment in their Program Regulations to incorporate provisions for transfer of credits for MOOCs courses as per UGC Regulations.
  2. Select the Courses
    The list of MOOCs courses is forwarded by the University MOOCs Coordinator to all the department. The respective students along with departmental MOOCs Coordinator selects the courses to be permitted for credit transfer through SWAYAM. They must ensure that physical facilities like laboratories, computer facilities, library etc. required for the course are made available to the students in adequate measure. The University encourages all the students to take open elective from MOOCs through SWAYAM Platform.
  3. Designate Coordinator
    Jharkhand Rai University has nominated one faculty as overall University MOOCs coordinator and one faculty from each department as the Departmental MOOCs Coordinator for smooth conduct of MOOCs. The University also designate a Course Coordinator/facilitator to guide the students throughout the course which includes timely submission of assignments/conduct the Lab/Practical sessions/doubt classes, etc.
  4. Disseminate Information
    The University widely disseminate information about selected courses to the students through Departmental MOOCs Coordinator, faculty members, notice boards, student forums, University website etc.
  5. Course Registration
    University facilitates registration of students. Every student from each department get enrolled themselves for the course. This opts a regular follow up process too.
  6. Evaluation
    The host Institution shall evaluate the students registered for MOOCs courses based on discussion forums, quizzes and assignments, sessional and final examinations.
    Additional supports are provided by the MOOCs Coordinator to all the students from the registration in courses of MOOCs till their final examination.
  7. Certificate
    On receipt of MOOCs completion certificate from Host Institute, the University give equivalent credit weightage upto 20% for the credits earned through SWAYAM.

Evidence of Success
The enrollment in the MOOCs have gradually increased. In December 2019, total 403 students appeared in SWAYAM (MOOCs) out of which 43 students have earned the Elite Certificate and 4 students earned the Elite Silver Certificate. In June 2020, 502 students have registered themselves for the SWAYAM (MOOCs) courses.

The greatest achievement of Jharkhand Rai University is that one of our student becomes India Topper in a course titled as “Digital Signal Processing” offerered through SWAYAM (MOOCs).

Problems Encountered and Resources Required
There should be more options of availability of credit courses/resources under MOOCs (SWAYAM platform) so that the students have wider range of selecting the courses of their interest. The list of choosing the examination center should also be increased for the easy accessibility of students.