Extension and outreach programs conducted by the University through NSS

Poster Presentation on Aatm Nirbhar Bharat- A Road Ahed for New India

JRU NSS Cell has organized Poster Presentation on Aatm Nirbhar Bharat- A Road Ahed for New India on 03 Oct 2020 at 02:00 Pm (IST) by “Google Meet”. Students has participated in this Programme from various programmes such as Agriculture, Pharmacy, Engineering, Diploma, CS & IT & Management. The Event was coordinated by Prof. Raghuwansh Singh & Dr. Alok Kumar.

The winner is awarded in valedictory session by esteemed registrar of Jharkhand Rai University. There was total 26 Exhibition received by the NSS Cell.

The Elocution Competition

With a vision & commitment to prevent the infection socially Jharkhand Rai University, Ranchi NSS Cell conducted an online Elocution competition on 17 May, 2021. The aim was to reduce the virus communication in society, dissemination of crucial information. COVID‐19 becomes a big threat to human civilization as consequences online awareness programs were initiated by the university.

The Students & Faculty members of Jharkhand Rai University participated in the Elocution competition on 17th May, 2021 at 11:00 Am through Google meet. The event was attended by more than 100 participants & 21 students have shared their experiences on Covid-19.

    The Elocution competition topics were:

  1. Views & Experience on Covid 19 Pandemic
  2. Measures to stop the spread of Covid 19 in our community

One Day Awareness Programme on Human Rights
JRU NSS Cell has organized an “Awareness programme on Human Rights” on 08 Sept 2020 at 10:00 Am (IST) by “Google Meet”. Students have participated in this Programme on following Events:

  1. Debate
  2. Painting
  3. Slogans
  4. Awareness Innovative Video

The Event was coordinated by Dr. Alok Kumar & Prof. Raghuwansh Singh. The winner is awarded in valedictory session by esteemed registrar of Jharkhand Rai University. There was total 132 participants participated from all programmes of the university.

Following are the winners of the Different Events which was held on Theme on
Human Rights.

    Exhibition of Paintings

  1. Deepak kumar (B.Sc Agriculture ) III Semester
  2. Kamini Kumari (BSc. Agriculture) V Semester
  3. Varsha rani (Bsc Agriculture) V Semester
    Presentation of Slogans
  1. Kavya Sidhi Kujur (Bsc Agriculture) III Semester
  2. Khushboo Munda (Bsc Agriculture) V Semester
  3. Prince kumar (Bsc Agriculture ) III Semester
    Innovative Awareness Videos
  1. Piyush Ranjan (Diploma Civil) V Semester
  2. Vikash Kumar Yadav (BBA) III Semester
  3. Vishwanath Pratap (Bsc Agri) V Semester


“Information and communication technology has become a revolutionary cornerstone of the education world today. Through this, learning can be made interesting, interactive and thought provoking. Digital technology is an effective tool of knowledge dissemination,” said Her Excellency Smt. Droupadi Murmu, Hon’ble Governor of Jharkhand on Saturday. She was addressing the delegates via video conference at a workshop called ‘Fun-Doo Skills’ organised by Jharkhand Rai University (JRU), Ranchi in association with United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). Her Excellency Smt Droupadi Murmu appreciated the university for this initiative to train and skill the students with new age requirements. Delegates from eminent business houses, government officials, academicians, students and other stakeholders convened to participate in this workshop.

Speaking on the occasion Dr Harbeen Arora, Chancellor, Jharkhand Rai University said, “Students are the focal point of all our activities at Jharkhand Rai University. We aspire to be a university where India’s youth can achieve great things, with the finest possible conditions for students to mould their future. This focus unifies us in what we do and how we do it.” Prof. Dr. Savita Sengar, Vice Chancellor, Jharkhand Rai University delivered the welcome address and thanked Her Excellency Smt. Droupadi Murmu for her continuous support and encouragement.

“In an age of digital deluge, it is important to use technology responsibly and use it to improve
on our existing skills. Technologies are learning enhancers,” said Dr Sengar.

“21st Century skills is an extremely important subject because, in this globally and digitally interconnected world, all learners, from cradle to career, need new skills and knowledge to succeed. These skills are more important to students now than ever before,” said Mr. Prasanta Dash, Chief of Field Office, UNICEF Jharkhand.

“We are happy to collaborate with Jharkhand Rai University and it’s NSS Cell for the Fun-Doo Skills Workshop so that students get opportunities to develop the foundational skills that will help them reason, think creatively, analyze data and work collaboratively in the future,” said Ms. Astha Alang, Communication, Advocacy & Partnership Officer, UNICEF.

While giving the vote of thanks, Dr Piyush Ranjan, Registrar, Jharkhand Rai University encouraged all the student participants to take benefit of this platform and train themselves with skills that will be helpful to seek employment. More than one thousand participants from various institutes, colleges and universities from Jharkhand participated in this workshop.

Webinar on Public Health & Community Nutrition

With a vision and government’s commitment to make India malnutrition free Jharkhand Rai University NSS Cell celebrated Poshan Pakhwada from (16th -31th ) March, 2021. On this occasion the university has conducted one day webinar on “Public Health & Community Nutrition”. Poshan Pakhwada aspires to reduce under nutrition, anemia and low birth weight and aims to accelerate improvement in nutrition among children, adolescent girls, pregnant women and lactating mothers.

The Students & all staff members (Teaching and Non-Teaching) of Jharkhand Rai University participated in the webinar on 26th March, 2021 at 11:00 Am through Cisco Webex. The webinar was attended by more than 150 participants.

In this webinar there were two resource person Dr. Vishnu Rajgadhia , Communication Head –Jharkhand Skill Development Mission & Ms. Chhandosree , Social Activist.

Speaking in the webinar as resource person, Dr. Vishnu Rajgadhia emphasized on Family support for pregnant women, Tips for Healthy Lifestyle, Diet Diversity, and Essential Nutrients. He further mentioned Poshan Abhiyaan, launched by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi on March 8, 2018, has reached a long way in ensuring wider people’s participation and endeavours to improve nutritional outcomes.

International Yoga Day, 21 June 2021

International Yoga Day is an annual event celebrated all over the world on June 21. Every year, June 21 is recognized as international yoga day but due to social distancing measures adopted by most countries, the theme set by United Nations for this year is “Yoga for Health – Yoga at Home”. Jharkhand Rai University NSS Cell celebrated the international yoga day. The Students & all staff members (Teaching and Non-Teaching) of Jharkhand Rai University celebrated yoga day on 21th June, 2021 from 07:30 Am through Zoom. The live yoga session was attended by more than 100 participants. Yoga instructor Ms Priya Bhartia is (QCI Certified) level 2 yoga teacher by ministry of Ayush has taken yoga session.

Students & all staff members performed yoga along with their family members within the confine of their home from 07.30 am. All actively participated in this virtual event and performed different yoga asanas. There was huge range of exercises and yoga poses that gave a holistic healing power to the body, mind and soul. The event aimed to resolve the problems of most people not having ample time to spend at the gym or attend fitness classes. Speaking in the yoga session the instructor, Ms Priya Bhartia told that yoga can be beneficial for those who suffer from lifestyle diseases and fitness disorders. She also told about ‘Yoga day’ and Importance of Yoga in our day-today life.

Road Safety Awareness Webinar
Road Safety month is organised every year in the month of January by the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways. A variety of programmes related to the road safety is organised in several cities to enlighten people on road safety, driving rules and cautions. During the whole month celebration of this campaign, variety of educational banners, safety posters, safety films, pocket guides and leaflets related to the road safety are distributed to the on-road travelers. Students are of various programme such as Agricultutre, Pharmacy, Engineering, Diploma, CS & IT,
Management has participated in this National Road Safety awareness webinar.

Speaking on the occasion Mr. Sanjeet Singh (Road Safety Instructor, HMSI) aware
about following instruction on Road safety:

  • Keep left – Always remember to drive on left side of the road so then other
    vehicles can overtake from right side
  • Use indicators wherever and whenever required (hand signal should be used
    if needed)
  • Give way for emergency vehicles like ambulance /fire engines etc.
  • Maintain recommended speed for concern road
  • Check your insurance papers and driving licence renewal date

As another instructor Ms. Neetika Gupta (Road Safety Instructor, HMSI) told about obey traffic signals and lights & Don’t horn unnecessarily in no –honking zones (schools, hospitals etc.)

National Education Policy 2020: Features & Prospects

Jharkhand Rai University, Ranchi NSS Cell has organized Webinar on “National Education Policy 2020: Features & Prospects” on 25 Sept 2020 at 09 Am (IST) by “Cisco Webex” (Online Mode). Students & Faculty of all programmes has attended in this webinar to know about National Education Policy 2020.The Event was coordinated by Dr. Alok Kumar & Prof. Raghuwansh Singh.

After successfully attended the webinar students has gained the Knowledge on:

  1. Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE)
    Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) makes a positive contribution to children’s long term development and learning by facilitating an enabling and stimulating environment in these foundation stages of lifelong learning. The National Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) Curriculum Framework for all children below six years of age is aligned with the Government’s vision of ECCE as spelt out in the National Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) Policy.
  2. Promotion of Indian Languages:
    As there is an enhanced focus on literature and scientific vocabulary of Indian languages in Indian schools and colleges, Teaching and learning of Indian languages need to be integrated with school and higher education at every level.
  3. Adult Education
    Adult education will not only help the considerable population to innovate, adapt and observe new horizons in novel and changing fields but also prove to be an impetus for personal and professional progress as literacy and basic education open up a whole new world for personal, civic, economic and lifelong learning opportunities. The stated objective of the policy being to achieve 100% youth and adult literacy rates by 2030 and significantly expand adult and continuing education programs.
  4. Multiple Exit Option:
    The undergraduate degree will be of either 3 or 4-year duration with multiple exit options within this period, with appropriate certifications — a certificate after completing 1 year in a discipline or field including vocational and professional areas, a diploma after 2 years of study, or a Bachelor’s degree after a 3-year programme.
  5. Assessment for student development:
    The aim of assessment in the culture of our schooling system will shift from primarily tests memorisation skills to one that is more informative, as more competencies based, it promotes learning and development for our students, and tests higher-order skills, such as analysis, critical thinking, and conceptual clarity
  6. Higher Education:
    All higher education institutions to be consolidated into three types of institutions such as

    • Research Universities: Equal Focus on Research & Teaching
    • Teaching Universities: Primary Focus on teaching with significant focus on research
    • Autonomous Degree: Almost exclusive focus on teaching.
  7. Flexible Curriculum:
    Students will be given the opportunity to be flexible in their choice of subjects and there will be no firm division between ‘arts’, ‘academic’, ‘curricular’, ‘extra-curricular’ or ‘vocational’ streams as the objective is to ensure holistic development. The Policy also aims to incorporate the teaching of vocational skills within the school curriculum to augment innovation, adaptability, and productivity.
  8. Implementation:
    The government is planning the first phase of implementation of the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 by April 2022. It will involve reforms in school education.

Webinar on “Save girl child with special reference to Pre-Conception and Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques (PCPNDT) Act”

The Government of India has initiated and established a series of laws, acts and regulations to safeguard the interest of the Indian girl child and women. The Preconception and Prenatal Diagnostic Techniques (prohibition of sex selection) Act (PCPNDT) is a statute enacted to stop the female feticide that has resulted in declining female sex ratio in India said Hon’ble minister of health & family welfare & health higher education, Government of Jharkhand on 09th July 2021. He was addressing the delegates via video conference at a webinar called “Save girl child with special reference to Pre-Conception and Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques (PCPNDT) Act” organised by Jharkhand Rai University (JRU), Ranchi in association with Subhash Yuva Manch.

He appreciated the university for this initiative to aware the students about PCPNDT Act. Participants from academicians, students and other stakeholders convened to participate in this webinar.

Speaking on the occasion Prof. Dr. Savita Sengar, Vice Chancellor, Jharkhand Rai University delivered the welcome address and thanked to Hon’ble minister of health & family welfare for his continuous support and encouragement.
She said The Act also prohibits any kind of advertisements on pre-conception and pre-natal sex determination of foetus. The Act provides for three years imprisonment and fine up-to ten thousand rupees as punishment.

“We are happy to collaborate with Jharkhand Rai University and it’s NSS Cell for the webinar so that students get opportunities to aware about PCPNDT Act.

While giving the vote of thanks, Dr Piyush Ranjan, Registrar, Jharkhand Rai University encouraged all the student participants to take benefit of this platform and aware themselves with skills that will be helpful to seek awareness about PCPNDT Act.

More than five hundred participants from various institutes, colleges and universities from Jharkhand participated in this webinar

save girl child

International Women Day 2021: Equal world Prosperous world

Objective of the Event:

  • To generate the awareness in regard to equality in law, social system and democratic activities.
  • To provide an integrated and interdisciplinary approach to understand the social and cultural constructions of gender that shapes the experiences of women and men in society.

Jharkhand Rai University has organized international women’s Day in association with Indian Chamber of Commerce, Jharkhand on 6th March 2021. The event started by welcome speech Avijit Ghosh. Honorable Vice chancellor Prof. (Dr.) Savita Senger started Panel discussion. The highlight of the celebration was the real-life experiences shared by our guest.

Outcome of the Event:
Choose to Challenge theme and panel discussion by women from various interdisciplinary fields and expertise focused on the pursuit to connect communities to collaboratively forge positive change for women.

Gender Sensitization and Equity

Objective of the Event:

  • To provide an integrated and interdisciplinary approach to understand the social and cultural constructions of gender that shapes the experiences of women and men in society.
  • To imbibe gender neutral mindset through integration of Indian Art & Culture.

A painting competition was organized on 15th May 2021 via google meet platform on the theme “Gender Sensitization and Equity”, along with the subthemes “Role of mothers in Nation building” and “Women in Pre-Vedic and Post-Vedic Era”.

Outcome of the Event:

  • Gender sensitization-oriented painting competition indulged integration of art with a social message to empower women and respect mothers for their contribution in nation building.
  • It is a pedagogical approach that utilizes various aspects and forms of Art & Culture as the basis for creating social awareness in gender related issues.

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