Social and cultural activities in preparing students for real life and strengthening their personal skills marks a huge importance in a students life. Social/cultural activities not only help students to identify themselves with the university, but also assist students to develop themselves in a desired field and also improve skills such as organizational, presentation, leadership and interpersonal communication.
A Student life within JRU is rich and a wide range of activities are present to tailor all talents and interests. JRU encourages all extra-curricular activities that are both in line with the educational objectives of the institution and meet the needs of the students.
The student clubs within our university are of great significance since they are the main conductors of extra-curricular activities.
The student clubs are open to the participation of all students. Students can become members of any club that they desire and participate in activities of these clubs. Moreover, their involvement will in turn further their skills and talents within the areas of their interest.
Joining a student club gives an opportunity to build new friendships, enhancing your academic life, being a Team Player and exploring career opportunities.
JRU has established 5 students clubs in this regards to enhance the overall skills of our Students.

Rajeev Nayan, Deptt of CE: Co-convener
Sushma Priya, Deptt of Agriculture: Co-convener

Ummay Hafsa, Deptt of Agriculture: Convener
Kumar Amrendra, Deptt of CS & IT: Co-convener

Soumik Mitra, MARCOM (Co-convener)
Tarik Murad, MARCOM (Co-convener)

Nishtha Malik, Deptt of Management : Co-convener