Alumni Feedback Analysis 2020-2021

Feedback of the Alumni is an essential component for analysis and improvement in the higher education academic culture. Once out of the formal structure, the Alumni can objectively talk about the challenges faced by them vis-à-vis the curriculum with special reference to its utility in the job market. The Alumni Association of Jharkhand Rai University collects feedback from the Alumni pertaining to the various aspects. Nearly 207 alumni have given their feedback for the academic year 2020-21. The feedback from the alumni reveals that 99% of them feel proud to be a part of the institution and are willing to contribute to the development of the institution. Majority of alumni (92%) agreed that JRU involves alumni in its activities. They admit that the University played crucial role in shaping their professional, ethical and personal life. They admit that their association with the University not only enabled them to acquire a degree but also it helped them to become human beings and the University also helped to inculcate human values among them and enriched every sphere of their life. They proudly confess that the University developed their confidence from the University programs and the teacher’s encouragement for student’s participation in these programs, they acknowledge the contribution of the University in developing their communication, leadership qualities, social commitment and responsibilities and they become social and built lifelong relationships only because of the University.

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