The University’s state-of-the-art library is digital & accessible 24×7 via internet. It is equipped with internet browsing facilities and a reading room as well. Library serves as the backbone to all the academic activities at our campus. The library at JRU ranchi houses more than 25,000 textbooks and a good number of reference materials, journals, magazines, periodicals, e-books and audio-videos materials.
What are E-Resources:
Electronic Resources are documents in digital format which are accessible electronically.
Examples: E-Books, E-journals etc… in varied formats like PDF, .jpeg, .html, .asp, .doc, .xls etc…
About the library
- Library has a rich collection of books on various branches of knowledge.
- Serving as the Nerve center of the University.
- Almost 54099 collections of books are housed in the library.
Working Hours Of Library
09.00 am to 05.00 pm (Mon Sat)
Library Collections
- Total No books : 28295
- E-Books : 10685
- E-Journal : 5000
- Print Journal : 26
- Magazines : 17
- Newspapers : 17 Titles
- CD/DVD’S : 148
- Library Awareness
ICT Enabled Library Services
- Computerized issue/return of books
- E Zone for e journal and e books Retrieval
- CCTV cameras installed in library
Information requirements of Academia:
UG/PG Students: To meet their course requirements, To present seminars, To write assignments, Submission of project reports/dissertations.
Research Scholars: To solve their research problems, To conduct literature review, To prepare seminar/conference presentations.
Faculty: To conduct classes/labs, To prepare journal articles & conference papers, To write books, To carryout minor & major projects, To guide students for MPhil